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Blue lagoon

Alternative Names: Blue pool, Clogau quarry.

Type of Dive: Blue Lagoon is an Inland quarry dive and work out in one.

Suggested experience: Experienced and fit due to the long walk in and remoteness of the site.

Distance from Birmingham: 82 Miles / 1Hr 50 Min Google Its just of the A542 (Horseshoe pass) at the Ponderosa cafe.

Parking directions: Park opposite the cafe on the A542

Lat & Long: 53.021257,-3.216602 No Postcode  Google map

Depth: 12m

Site entry/exit: A steep scramble down a muddy slate slope

Underwater directions: Kit up on the larger rocks by the water’s edge, enter the water and head off to the vertical wall on the right-hand side. Quite quickly head off to your left to the deepest part of the lake down to 12m. Quickly the water becomes shallower and you will come across a pile of abandoned cars and vans. After a look at the vehicles, follow the side of the pool to the left where there are large slate slabs, which are home to more sticklebacks. The Lagoon isn't too big so you will soon complete a loop of the lake.

Air & Nitrox: Aquaventurers    Scuba+outdoor

Site Hazards: A remote location with no immediate facilities. The entry is a challenge in itself.

Nearest Public phone: In  Ponderosa Cafe

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Nothing close to here. 

Other comments: Finding the Ponderosa cafe is the easy part of finding this dive site. Opposite the Cafe are a couple of tracks heading off towards the quarry workings. Follow the track which heads uphill and just before your car gets stuck stop off of the track on the grass. In front of you, there is a footpath which heads between two mounds of slate. Head up the gap and keep on walking away from where you parked. At the top of the slope, there is a quarry road follow this for 500m. On the left, you will see signs which warn of deep water, past this there will be a signpost with no sign, on your left. Find a small narrow gully which should lead to the quarry. It might be an advantage to do this first then go back and collect your dive kit when you know exactly where to go. Good advice for diving here is to use a 7L or 10L cylinder and as little kit as possible.

Pub: Britannia Inn

Cafe: Ponderosa Cafe

Revision: 2

Thanks To:

Links:  Proscuba

Created By: Matt Yates

Date: 22/07/11

Surface Photos:

Underwater Photos:  Contact me    Utube

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