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Hodge close

Alternative Names: None, A disused slate quarry situated in the Tilberthwaite Valley, near Coniston, Hodge Close is one of many such slate workings in the Tilberthwaite area. The mine was worked from the 19th century to the early 1960s and is now a site much favoured by divers.

Type of Dive: Hodge close is a famous quarry and cave dive.

Suggested experience: Quarry-Dive Leaders  The tunnels-cave diver.

Travel directions: Take the A593 (Ambleside to Coniston) and just under two miles north of Coniston is a narrow road on the right, signposted to Hodge Close. Follow this for about two miles until it opens out into a huge car park. Hodge Close quarry is on your right  

Hodge close turnoff

Parking directions: In the car park shown below.

Hodge close car park

Lat & Long: OS Grid Ref:- NY 316017  N54.406065, W-3.054242  Google map

Depth: 28m 

Site entry/exit: It's a hard walk through the tunnel 100m long, 1.8 - 2m high, partially flooded, with all the kit this is hard work

Hodge closeHodge close tunnel

The 3m high scaffold ladder at the end is a tough climb with dive kit.

Hodge close

The quarry is pretty spectacular with high cliffs all around, as we entered the water the first thing I saw was a skeleton!!!, there was deco station set up with a rubber skeleton attached, the vis was amazing but the water was a bit chilly. We found the entrance to the tunnel system at 23M I shone my torch in for a look but didn't go in, along the quarry floor were cars, transit vans etc basically Powmill but on a larger scale. The other dive is the sump, you walk into a tunnel for about 20M (it's pitch black) at the end there's a hole which drops into water, down another ladder into the water which is 8.5M deep and you're in a cavern. As we submerged the visibility in here was even better, as far as your torch beam, the rock formations in here were amazing after having a swim around you swim through an arch into the daylight and exit from what looks like a puddle from the outside,there were hill walkers walking by (should have seen there faces as two divers emerge from a puddle in full kit)

Underwater directions:  See dive map 

Air & Nitrox: Fins Capernwray

Site Hazards: Entry/exit, Temp, Overhead environment, Depth at Altitude add 25% to your depth for correct bottom times. 

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: mobile phone reception can be variable.

Accommodation: Contact me

Other comments: Warning: A number of divers have lost their lives in Hodge Close Quarry mainly as the result of getting lost in the underwater tunnels.

Pub: None close to here.

Cafe: None close to here take everything you need and don't leave any litter.

Created by: Finstrokes 

Date: 1/1/10 

Revision: 3

Thanks To: loudy and Tony Snailham 

Links: Link   Utube    Utube   Link   Vimeo

Surface Photos:   By Tony Snailham 

Hodge close

Underwater Photos:

Hodge close

Dive Map:  

Dive Report: Comment in the box below