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Penton bridge

Alternative Names: River Liddle

Type of Dive: Penton bridge is a good river dive, and cool on a sunny day

Suggested Experience: Novice when the conditions are good.

Travel directions: Coming from the north down the A7 turn off at Canonbie on the B6357 towards Newcastleton and at Harelaw take the Penton turning. From the south, turn off the M6 at Junction 44, go up the A7 to Longtown and turn off to the right where it is signposted to Netherby and Penton.

Parking directions: Park in the space to the right shown in the picture below.

Penton bridge parking

Lat & Long: 55.088132, -2.890155  Postcode CA6 5QU  Google

Tides: None

Depth: 7m Max

Site entry/exit: From the car park walk across the road and down the steps and onto the rocks by the river.

Penton bridge access 

Underwater directions: Don't go further than 30m past the bridge downstream as you come to Penton Linns waterfalls.

Penton Linns waterfalls.

Air & Nitrox: Contact me

Site Hazards: Low viz after rain and stronger water flow.

Nearest Public phone:

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Contact me

Other comments: It's best to dive here when there has been no rain for a week and not in the fishing season (April to October). Trout and Salmon are often seen here.

Pub: Pentonbridge Inn

Cafe: None close to here.

Version: 1

Thanks To:


Created by: John C

Date: 28/5/18

Surface Photos:     

U/Water Photos: Contact me

Dive sitemap: Not required here.

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.