User Rating: 3 / 5

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Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Wreck dive in fresh water, Windermere lake.

Suggested experience: Sport Diver.

Travel directions: Preston 59 Miles 1 Hr 25 Mins Google Carlisle 89 Miles 1Hr 15 Mins Google

Parking directions: Park at the side of the road leaving room for other cars to pass.

Lat & Long: N54.358926,W-2.941192  Postcode LA22 0LR  Google map

Depth: 12m

Site entry/exit: Enter the water to the right of the small "L" shaped pier.


Underwater directions: Head out from the shore on 105 Deg for 5-6 Mins.

Air & Nitrox: Capernwray Blackpool Area Divers Fins  also contact KALSAC, Kendal & Lakes BSAC

Site Hazards: Cold and low viz.

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: O2 & Voda ok

Accommodation: Bowness and Hawkshead both have B&B's and YHA's.

Other comments: Good Buoyancy and finning technique needed here so you don't kick up the silt and destroy the already low visibility.

Pub: Tower Bank Arms

Cafe: Ferrynab Marina

Created by: Steve Mitchell, Kendal & Lakes BSAC

Date: 24/3/11

Revision: 1

Thanks To:   Kendal and Lakes SAC


Surface Photos: Contact me

Underwater Photos:  Vimeo    Sonar Image

Dive Map:  Not Required

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.