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Winchburgh Quarry

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Inland quarry

Suggested Experience: Novice with good buoyancy.

Travel directions:

Parking directions:

Lat & Long: 55.962270, -3.461197  Postcode EH52 6TP  Google

Tides: None

Depth: 9m

Site entry/exit: There are civil works being done at the quarry just now so the entry/exit will be changing.

Winchburgh quarry signWinchburgh quarry green arrowWinchburgh quarry8Winchburgh quarry9

From steel gate head east where the green arrow shows the opening of fencing. Once through follow the track on left through bushes until you reach the original track to water for easy entry, which has the emergency flotation aid. If looking at the information on the sign there should be access once development complete. Other entry could be next to brick rumble just through the opening but it's on quite a steep hill unsure what depth or obstacles in this area.

Winchburgh quarry entry/exitWinchburgh quarry entry/exit 

Underwater directions: There is no best way to dive here is just an exploration dive.

Air & Nitrox: Dive bunker  Edinburgh dive centre

Site Hazards: There is an unstable mine shaft there which I wouldn't recommend going near.

Nearest Public phone:

Mobile Network service: Most work around here.


Other comments: Sometimes the viz here can be like soup. the land past the gate has been sold to a developer who has levelled the ground but the path leading to the quarry is untouched.

Pub: Tally Ho hotel


Version: 1

Thanks To: Mark Pyper, and Angel for the new info and pictures.

Links: None I can find

Created by: Avril Keith

Date: 29/5/16

Surface Photos:   Utube  Utube

U/Water Photos: 

Winchburgh quarryWinchburgh quarry

Dive sitemap: Contact me

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.