Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Inland quarry
Suggested Experience: Novice with good buoyancy.
Travel directions:
Parking directions:
Lat & Long: 55.962270, -3.461197 Postcode EH52 6TP Google
Depth: 9m
Site entry/exit: There are civil works being done at the quarry just now so the entry/exit will be changing.
Underwater directions: There is no best way to dive here is just an exploration dive.
Air & Nitrox: Dive bunker Edinburgh dive centre
Site Hazards: There is an unstable mine shaft there which I wouldn't recommend going near.
Nearest Public phone:
Mobile Network service: Most work around here.
Other comments: Sometimes the viz here can be like soup. the land past the gate has been sold to a developer who has levelled the ground but the path leading to the quarry is untouched.
Pub: Tally Ho hotel
Version: 1
Thanks To: Mark Pyper, and Angel for the new info and pictures.
Links: None I can find
Created by: Avril Keith
Date: 29/5/16
U/Water Photos:
Dive sitemap: Contact me
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.