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Alternative Names: The blowhole

Type of Dive: Abercastle is a deep vee bay with Castle Island at the mouth of the bay, and a cave at the back of the Island to explore.

Suggested experience: Novice in good weather.

Travel directions: You can reach Abercastle from the St Davids-Fishguard road (A487) via Trefin or Mathry.

Parking directions: There is limited parking owned by the National Trust on the top of the beach, very limited roadside parking and the lane can become crowded in summer.

Distance from Cardiff: 111 miles 2 hrs 20 Min's   Google map

Lat & Long: N51.962534 W-5.129682 Postcode SA62 5HJ  Google

Tides: Tide tables  It is best to dive at high slack water to get some depth going around the Island

Depth: The maximum depth is about 12 metres.

Site entry/exit: Enter the water from the beach and stay on the right-hand side of the bay and head out to the island. The left side of the bay usually has moored boats and lines to the shore.


Underwater directions: Follow the rocks out and around the point, there are gullies, swim-throughs and walls rich with anemones, soft corals and sponges, along with large wrasse, crabs and the odd lobster. There is also a 'blow hole' that can be entered under water. A light is needed for this, and it shouldn't be attempted if there is a large swell. Around the back of the island in about 8 metres there is a large cave entrance that can't be seen above water. Enter the cave and swim in for about 8 metres, and surface inside the blow hole!

Air & Nitrox: West Wales   Divein2pembrokeshire  Dive Pembrokeshire

Site Hazards: Boats and swell, Sometimes boats come through the gap between the Island and the shore at high tide.


Nearest Public phone: Red phone box in the village.

Mobile Network service: To Follow

Accommodation: Campsite

Other comments: Because of boat traffic an SMB is advisable here. Facilities here include toilets and a picnic table.

Leysian. Wreck. N51 37`36" W05 07`52" The wreck lies just out of Abercastle on the left-hand side, about halfway along and 50m out from the cliffs. Depth is around 15m and is 200m from the launch site at Abercastle.

Pub: The Farmers' Arms

Cafe: In Mathry.

Created by: Finstrokes

Date: 1/12/10

Revision: 1

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Abercastle dive map

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