Alternative Names: Roanheads
Type of Dive: Almanethy creek is a good shore dive on a small wall, with plenty of cracks, gullies only 20 meters from the road.
Suggested Experience: Sport Diver
Travel directions: Its right off the old fishing village of Roan Heads just North of Peterhead harbour.
Parking directions: There is room for a few cars along the Esplanade as this is a quiet area.Google
Lat & Long: N57.510118 W-1.772752 Postcode AB42 1LL Google
Depth: 8 - 17m
Tides: Tide tables it's a high tide only dive. Magic seaweed
Site entry/exit: You will find remnants of the old harbour, Its just an old wall, entry over the rocks on the right at the bottom of the steps.
Underwater directions: Almanethy Creek is a narrow gully just North of Peterhead harbour. At the end of the gully, you swim to the North and follow the wall. You will find a nice wall, with plenty of cracks, gullies and holes that have plenty of fish in them.
Air & Nitrox: Divenortheast Core94
Site Hazards:
Nearest Public phone: Peterhead
Mobile Network service: Most networks
Pub Harbour lights
Cafe None close to here.
Revision: 3
Created by: Finstrokes
Date: 7/7/07
Thanks To: Sarah Gosden
Other comments: Definitely a site for diving around high tide and after settled weather.
Surface Photos: Finstrokes
Underwater photos: By Sarah Gosden
Divesite map: Contact me