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Batentarbet Pier

Alternative Names: Achiltibuie

Type of Dive: Badentarbet pier near Achiltibuie is an easy shore dive under and around the pier.

Suggested experience: Novice and upward

Distance from Ullapool: 24 Miles 45 Mins google

Parking directions: Park on the right of the road facing the pier.

Lat & Long: 58.029577,-5.37461  Postcode IV26 2YN  Google map

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 8m

Site entry/exit: From the end of the wall walk down the grass onto the rocks along to the bottom of the pier. Also, a jump entry from the end of the pier but getting out is not as easy as shown in the picture below.

Batentarbet Pier entry/exitBadentarbet pier

Underwater directions: Head round to the right (facing the sea) and back to the pier, looking in all the cracks and gullies.

Air & Nitrox: Atlantic diving services. Telephone number 01854 622261  Creag ard charters

Site Hazards: Working boats.

Nearest Public phone: Achiltibuie

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: The Ceildh Place

Other comments: Public toilets are half a mile from the pier.

Pub: None

Cafe: None so take everything you need.

Revision: 2

Thanks To: Mike Dive for pics.

Links: None

Created By: Jane Wilkinson

Date: 24/4/11

Surface Photos: Jane Wilkinson

Underwater Photos:  By Jane Wilkinson and Mike Dive

badentarbet pier3badentarbet pier4

Dive Map: Not required here.

Dive Report: Geridiver I dived here in 2009 & used the steps on the pier to enter the water, however, what I didn't notice was that the bottom steps were missing which made this a bit awkward at low tide especially as I was by myself.

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.