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Bognor rocks

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive:  Bognor rock is a shallow dive on rocks with seaweed on them set on a sandy seabed, You will know if you get to the correct location since, at Bognor rocks, there is a long line of beach huts running beside the beach and the parking area.

Suggested Experience: In the right conditions this dive site is often used for training because it's very easy to dive.

Travel directions:  Head to the seafront at the western end of Bognor Regis 

Parking directions: There is plenty of places to park along the front (Pay and display) park as close to the cafe as possible.

Bognor rocks parking

Lat & Long:  50.778753, -0.690822  Postcode P021 2FZ  Google map

Tides: Tide tables   Its best dived at high slack tide which is 3 hours before and 4 hours after high water.

Depth: 10m 

Site entry/exit: Its a very easy walk from the car to the beach at the Aldwick Beach cafe down the side of the groin and straight out 100m from the shore.

Aldwick Beach cafeBognor rocks groin

Underwater directions: After finning out head south-east and you will find the Bognor rocks they usually have a coating of seaweed and plenty of fish swimming about including wrasse, dogfish and cuttlefish with crabs and lobster under and around the rocks.

Air & Nitrox: Mulbery divers

Site Hazards: There can be a swell here

Nearest Public phone: Aldwick Beach Cafe

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: In Bognor regis

Other comments:  West park public toilets are 250m north-west of here. Rocks pepper the beach and are visible at low tide. These rocks are full of fossils and under the right conditions, the sea sweeps away the sand to reveal the fossil-filled clay underneath.


Cafe:  Aldwick Beach Cafe

Version: 1

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Created by: Finstrokes

Date: 1/5/19

Surface Photos:     

Bognor rocks at low spring tide

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