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Brackley point

Alternative Names: MTB and Barge.

Type of Dive: Shore dive on a barge and MTB also a scenic rocky reef.

Suggested experience: Trainee upwards...

Travel directions: From Dunoon follow the A815 south to Toward and continue onto the east side of Loch Striven on B class road to Brackley Point. Turn off down a track to the edge of the water.

Parking directions: Park at the side of the track leading to the water.

Brackly point

Distance from Glasgow: 45 Miles 1Hr 45 Min's using the ferry Google or 96 Miles 2 Hrs 40 Min's without the ferry Google


Lat & Long: N55.920705 W-5.057053 (No postcode)  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: To 50m

Site entry/exit: Easy entry from the shore down a sand and silty slope.

Underwater directions: Head out to 9 -12m and turn left (south) and you will find a small barge. Or head out to 9 -12m and turn right (north) and you will come to the wreckage that is not recognisable as anything but could be an MTB.

Air & Nitrox: Wreckspeditions   C+C Largs

Site Hazards: None really except the depth.

Nearest Public phone: Dunoon

Mobile Network service: To Follow

Accommodation: None in the area but its good here for wild camping.

Other comments: Brackley Point is a good place for a club day or weekend as its quiet here and there is nobody to disturb. PS Remember to clean up after you so its clean for the next club outing.

Pub: The Osborne

Cafe: Dunoon

Revision: 3

Thanks To: Jane Wilkinson for the pictures and video by Avril Keith.

Links: Canmore

Created by: John Nicolson

Date: 2/1/11

Surface Photos: By John Nicolson

Underwater photos:: By Jane Wilkinson  Utube

Brackly point wreckageBrackly point wreckageBrackly point wreckageBrackly point wreckage

Dive Map: By John Nicolson

brackly point dive map

Dive Report: John Nicolson A few years ago our club camped here for the weekend and dived the barge and wreckage of the MTB and the barge, the barge was the best and it is only good for a trainee to get experience in wreck diving. Brackley Point, however, is a great place to let of steam and not cause any problems.

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.