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brighton pier1brighton pier2

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Easy shore dive under and around the pier supports.

Suggested experience: Novice upwards and a light is required.

Travel directions: To follow

Parking directions: Drop of dive kit and park where you can get a space.

Lat & Long: N50.81525 W-0.137136  Postcode  BN2 1TW Google

Tides: Tide tables Best dived at high tide and definitely on slack water.

Depth: 6m (High tide)

Site entry/exit: At the side of the pier. It's a fair walk in knee-deep water till its deep enough to fin in.

Brighton pier6Brighton pier7

Underwater directions: Follow the pier legs to the end of the pier, The viz is usually better at the end of the pier. There can be shoals of fish here in the summer and eels in the autumn. Divers keep finding coins dropped from the pier above.

Air & Nitrox: Brighton dive centre

Site Hazards: Wreckage from working on the pier and fishing line.

Nearest Public phone: On the Pier

Mobile Network service: All services work here

Accommodation: Many places to stay

Other comments: Inform the seafront office or the coastguard and an SMB must be used. There is a barge off the east of the pier that is covered in life and is good for a Picture. You can also dive Black rock (2km East of here) or the wreckage of Brighton west pier (1km west of here).

Brighton west pier

Pub: Best to look around, not on the front.

Cafe: Many cafes here.

Created By: Finstrokes

Date: 11/4/11

Revision:  2

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Links:    Link

Surface Photos:

Underwater Photos:  Utube  

Cuttlefish Snakelock anenone

Dive Map: Not required

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