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Cairndow view

Alternative Names: Layby No 1 Loch Fyne

Type of Dive: Cairndow view shore dive on Loch Fyne is a muddy substrate 

Suggested experience: Novice with good buoyancy control

Distance from Glasgow: 50 miles 1hr 30mins

Travel directions: Follow A83 towards Inveraray past the Loch Fyne Oyster Bar. A ½ mile along the road pull into the first layby on the left-hand side, indicated by the blue P sign. Just before the layby is 2 white cottages on the right-hand side. Directly opposite the layby is a green-roofed cottage

Parking directions: Layby on the left-hand side

Cairndow view car parking

Lat & Long: 56.268129, -4.933829 Postcode PA26 8BL   Google

Tides: Tide Tables  Tides are not a problem here even on spring tides.

Depth: We dived 14m but could go deeper

Site entry/exit: Kit up in the layby and walk down to the shore. The walk to the shore is very steep but there are steps of sorts and a blue rope tied to a tree to help steady going up and down

Underwater directions: Swim out on a bearing of 150 degrees, turn and follow 240 degrees, then 330 degrees back home

Air & Nitrox: Aquatron   Splashsports  Argyll Caravan Park, Inveraray

Site Hazards: Silty bottom – careful finning required

Nearest Public phone: Loch Fyne Oyster Bar

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Inveraray or Arrochar

Other comments: The layby is a bit of a dumping ground and has a very strong smell around it. There were a lot of discarded edible crabs in the path

Pub: Loch Fyne Oyster Bar Cairndow Inn

Cafe: Loch Fyne Oyster Bar

Created By: Phoebe Sparke

Date: 13 April 2012

Revision: 1

Thanks To:

Links: None found online.

Surface Photos: Contact me

Underwater Photos By Phoebe Sparke

Cairndow viewCairndow view

Dive Map:

Dive Report: PhoebeSparke 15/4/12 Initially in the shallows there are mussel beds and brown seaweeds on cobbles and pebbles. Also a large aggregation of sand mason worms. Venturing down the muddy slope we came across magnificent firework anemones starting at 10m, especially smaller specimens – juveniles? Lots of lugworm mounds and shore crabs. There is a discarded mooring rope which was teeming with life – fluted sea squirts, peacock worms, sponges and bivalves. Not a very interesting dive but good for anyone with a depth restriction to be able to see the firework anemones. Quite a bit of plastic debris underwater.

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