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Castle rocks

Alternative Names:  Aberystwyth Castle.

Type of Dive: Easy shallow shore dive.

Suggested experience: Trainee upwards.

Travel directions:

Distance from Aberystwyth:  3/4 of a mile and 5 Mins.

Parking directions: Park on the road close to the point.

Castle rocks1

Lat & Long:  N52.413585 W-4.094145 Postcode: SY23  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 6m

Site entry/exit: Walk down from the road into the water with the rocks on your right.

Underwater directions: There is no need for directions here as its shallow and you just swim in and out the cracks and small gullies and retrace your steps to exit.

Air & Nitrox: Contact me

Site Hazards: No major hazards here.

Nearest Public phone: Aberystwyth

Mobile Network service: Most work here

Accommodation: There are a few guesthouses close to the castle.

Other comments: This is a popular shore training site because of the depth and ease of access.

Pub: Ship and castle  Why not bar & Lounge


Revision: 1

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Links: Link

Created By: Finstrokes

Date: 30/4/13

Surface Photos: Contact me This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Underwater Photos: Contact me This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dive Map: Contact me

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.