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Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Shore wreck dive on Loch Etive.

Wreck Information: The Charna, Old fishing boat

Cargo: Unknown was being used as storage at the time of sinking

Suggested experience: Open Water, Sport Diver, good for a new diver's first wreck  

Travel & Parking directions: Coming from Taynuilt side when you reach the narrow railway bridge on the way to Connel take the right just after the bridge by the red phone box, follow the track down till you get to the large green shed, there is a slip just after.  Do not park on the pier or dive from the pier as its a working pier.


Lat & Long: N56.454974,W-5.310162 Postcode  PA37 Google

Tides: Tide tables There is very little tidal movement in the bay so it shouldn't bother you

Depth: 11-12 meters at the deepest point

Site entry/exit: From the end of the slip or walk down the road a bit to the pebble shore directly opposite the white buoy and the first semi-detached cottage. It’s pretty much in line with the white double door.

charna entry/exitcharna entry/exit

Underwater directions: From the white mooring buoy on the surface drop down onto a mooring block, From this follow the horizontal line attached to the buoy line about 0.5 m above the bottom. This takes you to the bow of Charna. The seabed between the wreck and shore is usually nice too, bowls down in the middle to 12m at HW. Just keep to a due S bearing to get back to the same entry/exit point.


Site Hazards: Working boats.

Nearest Public phone: Connel

Accommodation: plenty of places to stay in Connel. Scottish Tourist Board, Edinburgh. Tel 0131 332 2433

Mobile Network service: Signal very good here.

Other comments:  

Pub: In Connel or Oban  Falls of Lora Hotel  The Oyster Inn

Created By: Dingerbot


Air & Nitrox: Puffin

Date: 16/05.2012

Revision: 3

Thanks To: Karen Boswarva, Peter Gun, Trevor Davies and Peter Nutton for pictures and info.

Links: None

Surface Photos: Old postcard by Kev Watson


Underwater photos: By Mark Kirkland and Mike dive.


Dive Map: By Karen Boswarva

charna dive map

Dive Report: Dingerbot 16/5/12 We finned out to check a spot for a mooring, and since we were not too far away from the mooring she was on we finned out to the buoy and down we went to about 9 meters, my buddy had a hunch that she would be northeast of the mooring and sure enough there she was,

Dive Report:  Comment in the box below.