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Coral beach

Alternative Names:  Coral strand

Type of Dive: Coral beach is a very easy shore dive with plenty to see.

Suggested Experience: Novice upwards.

Travel directions: From Galway head west along the R336 to Costelloe onto the R343 to the coast. ( 52 mins )

Parking directions: Room for 20 cars.

Coral beach parking

Lat & Long:  53.248667, -9.629456   Google

Tides: Best to dive here when there have been a few days of calm weather on a slack tide.

Depth: 10m

Site entry/exit: Its a very simple walk down from the car into the water.

Coral beach entry/exit

Underwater directions: Head west to your chosen depth and head north/south checking in all the cracks and crevises.

Air & Nitrox:  Scuba West

Site Hazards: Occasional boat traffic

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: Signal here is sketchy at best,

Accommodation: Carraroe House

Other comments: This is a great place for a club or a family as it's safe and nobody to disturb. Remember to take everything you need as there are no shops close to here.

Pub: An Tigh Padraig Watt    An Chistin

Cafe: None close to here.

Version: 1

Thanks To:

Links: None

Created by: Finstrokes

Date: 5/1/20

Surface Photos:     

Underwater photos: By Paul Deering  Utube

Coral beachCoral beachCoral beachCoral beach

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