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cove harbour

Alternative Names: Cove Bay

Type of Dive: Cove harbour is a good shore & wreck.dive  (The Countess of Aberdeen)

Suggested experience: Novice upwards.

Travel directions:  Head south on the A956 (Wellington Rd) from Aberdeen, Turn left onto Langdykes rd and head down to the harbour.Aberdeen  Dundee

Parking directions:   On the rough ground to the left of the breakwater. Google

cove harbour car parking

Distance from Aberdeen:  4 Miles 15 Mins Dundee 63 Miles 1 hr 35 mins 

Lat & Long: N57.095696,W-2.076137 Postcode AB12 3NP Google

Tides: Tide tables


Site entry/exit: You access off the beach adjacent to the harbour wall or jump entry at the ladder on high tide.

Cove harbour entry/exit

Underwater directions:   Approximately in line with the end of the breakwater is a wall dropping down to 8-10m. This wall continues around most of the bay though less vertical in places and in the base for plentiful life. Whilst the bay out to this line is thickly covered with kelp, at the foot of the wall it is largely sediment. Observing the area at low water springs, kelp can clearly be seen at the surface outlining the relatively small area of deeper water. Because of the fine sediment visibility can be very restricted unless the weather has been calm for a few days.
Going eastwards from the harbour wall out to sea, you will find a large area of the broken wreckage. This is the remains of the "Countess of Aberdeen"

The Countess of Aberdeen.   Iron steamship. 291 ton. She was lost on the 1st December 1977 and went ashore in a thick fog. The vessel later caught fire and was gutted. Depth 7 - 14 metres sometimes marked with a buoy.    Google

Air & Nitrox:  Core94  Splash sports  

Site Hazards: This is a working harbour so look out for boat traffic

Nearest Public phone: 

Mobile Network service: There is no mobile phone reception at the harbour.

Accommodation:  Accommodation is always a problem around Aberdeen.

Pub: Langdykes

Cafe: Haar Rock Coffee

Other comments: 

Created By: Choc star

Date: 28/12/10

Revision: 1

Thanks To:  Info from  Ellon SAC


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