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Creag brimishgan

Alternative Names: Creag Brimishgan, Loch na Keal, Isle of Mull

Type of Dive: Shore

Suggested experience: A fair bit

Travel directions:  Take the A849 to Salen (it will also be signed for Tobermory which is further on) then turn left on the B8035 when you reach Salen. Follow this road all the way along the side of the loch until you are opposite the large island in the middle of the loch. Shortly after this a low wall will start on the right-hand loch side of the road. As the ground on the left becomes steeper and then becomes a more vertical face you will go round a bend and the lay-by will be directly after this. There will also be a break in the wall just on the bend, so you will know you are in the correct place. Google

Parking directions: Park in the lay-by following the directions above. Be ready to pull in as it’s some distance before you can safely turn around. You should be able to park really high and well back in the lay be so that several cars can still pull in if they need to.

Distance from Tobermory:19 Miles 30 Mins Google  Fishnish15 Miles  23 Mins Google

Lat & Long: N56.450648,W-6.099059 No Postcode Google maps

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 35m+

Site entry/exit: Cross the road to where the wall begins, then go down the grassy slope and over the rocks to enter the water. Alternatively, there is a ledge the other side of the wall and you might be able to do a big stride entry off that at high tide but I’ve got no idea how deep it gets as I didn’t go and investigate.

Creag brimishgan3

Underwater directions: Swim down a fairly steep slope to start with. Not a great deal here mainly urchins and kelp. Swim down to around 12 metres. The wall then drops away steeply to around 35m. The wall is covered with ledges and overhangs often with dozens of plumose anemones growing underneath. Huge clumps of red fingers poke out from the wall which is also home to cup corals, loch anemones, various sea stars and dead men's fingers. Large lobsters and edible crabs made their homes on the large ledges, while peacock worms and sea cucumbers uncurl delicate tentacles.

Site Hazards: None that I encountered

Nearest Public phone: Contact me

Accommodation: Loads of places for wild camping next to the loch, hardly a building in sight. Watch the sunset on the other side of the loch, fabulous. Many B+B in Tobermory.

Mobile Network service:

Other comments: This is a fabulous stretch of the loch and a beautiful place to stay. There is also a Munro just a little way up the road which is popular with walkers and climbers.

Pub: The Mishnish       

Created By: Jane Wilkinson

Cafe: Tobermory

Air & Nitrox: highlandbasecamp   Tobermory Harbour

Date: 9/4/11

Revision: 1

Thanks To:

Link:  None

Surface Photos: By Jane Wilkinson

Underwater Photos: By Jane Wilkinson

LobsterCuckoo wrasse

Dive Map: Contact me

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.