Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Shore dive along the shoreline in and out of the gullies.
Suggested experience: Experienced sport diver
Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the A82 turn left at Tarbet onto the A83, through Arrochar and over the rest and be thankful and turn right at Inveraray and turn left onto the A85 to Oban and south on the A816 turn right onto the B8003 and over the Clachan Bridge onto seal island to the end of the road at Easdale.
Parking directions: In the large car park under the cliff ( takes 50 cars ) Google map Park at the top left of the car park looking towards the cliff.
Distance from Oban: 16 Miles 26 Mins Google map
Lat & Long: 56.297086 -5.654204 Postcode PA34 4RF Google map
Tides: Tide tables Only dive slack water or when the currents are heading south.
Depth: 15m
Site entry/exit: Get fully kitted up and walk along the small path under the cliff to the jump entry into a gully from 2m into 4m, (high tide) and exit in the bay and Harbour. (see pictures below) The last ten meters of the path is tricky over jagged rocks.
Underwater directions: Head out of the gully and turn left heading south hugging the shoreline in and out all of the gully's till you reach the beach before the harbour. Don't go past the harbour as the currents get stronger due to the channelling between the Island and the shore.
Air & Nitrox: Puffin Oban divers
Site Hazards: Tricky walk along a small path under the cliff, and sometimes you have to cancel the dive because of big swells. (dive Easdale quarry instead)
Nearest Public phone: In the pub at the quarry.
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: The Tigh-an-Truish Hotel Garragh Mhor B+B An Rubha Inch Cottage
Other comments: Take care walking along the small path, and don't dive if there is too big a swell into the gullies. This is an interesting dive because of the amount if different sea life seen here.
Pub: Oyster bar
Cafe: None so take everything you need or eat in the oyster bar (good)
Created by: John Nicolson
Date: 11/4/11
Revision: 3
Thanks To: Eastwood divers.
Links: None
Surface Photos: Contact me
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive Map: Not required.