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Eastbourne pier

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Simple shore dive under and around the pier legs.

Suggested Experience: Novis

Travel directions: M25 heading south onto A21,A22 signposted for Eastbourne.

Parking directions:  Drop of your kit as close to the pier as possible and park in one of the pay and display spaces all along the front.

Lat & Long: 50.765699, 0.295676  Postcode BN21 3EL   Google map

Tides: Tide tables  slack water is one hour before high tide

Depth: 6m

Site entry/exit: Its a very easy entry/exit at the right side of the pier as shown in the picture below. Its short sloping shingle giving way to flat sand. Best to paddle out to one of the legs and descend there to give yourself bearings as it's quite easy to dive straight through with the current.

Eastbourne pier entry/exitEastbourne pier entry/exit

Underwater directions: Stay under the pier where there is most marine life, we did an evening and night dive, there was a big shoal of bass, probably because no-one is fishing anymore. We found flatfish, dabs and sole and crabs aplenty including hermit crabs. On our way back in we swam through a shoal of whitebait with mackerel and whiting chasing them.

Air & Nitrox: Newhaven Scuba Centre  Brighton dive centre

Site Hazards: The end of the pier can be dark underneath and there's lots of old wreckage including nets to be aware of. Fishing is no longer allowed so that hazard has been removed but be aware of paddleboarders and kayakers if ascending under the pier.  A DSMB is recommended in case you get separated.

Nearest Public phone Contact me

Mobile Network service:  Most networks work well here.


Other comments: There are toilets 10m from the pier on the boardwalk, Visibility varies from 4/5m to zero depending on the weather so keep an eye for prolonged periods of calm hot weather and not on an easterly wind.

Pub: Many pubs along the front.

Cafe: The Belgian Cafe (5min walk from the pier on Grand Parade rd). Tea room on the pier. Chippy under the pier. The Boardwalk cafe 150m from the pier.

Version: 1

Thanks To:

Links: None

Created by: Matthew Donald

Date: 26/4/20

Surface Photos: Matthew Donald

Underwater Photos: Matthew Donald

under the pierMackerel

Dive sitemap: Not needed here.

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.