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Feather star reef

Alternative Names: Drochaid an Deuch

Type of Dive:  Boulder slope

Suggested Experience: Novice upward

Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the A82 turn left at Tarbet onto the A83, through Arrochar and over the rest and be thankful,  turn left onto the A815, from this junction its 8.7 miles to the A886 then for 4 miles to the turnoff for the B8000 then for 10.1miles to Feather star reef. 

Parking directions: Park at the passing place leaving enough space for another car to use.

Feather star reef parking

Lat & Long:   56.077944, -5.251083      Google map

TidesTide tables

Depth: 14m

Site entry/exit: Walk down almost directly from the passing place onto the rocks. Enter the water at the large boulders.

Feather star reef entry/exitFeather star reef entry/exit

Underwater directions:  Head straight out to 7m where you will see a boulder slope reef which is slightly steeper on the left side. It is very easy to miss the reef as it’s pretty small and has sand on either side. When you enter at the boulders the steeper side should be on your right hand side as you slowly head down. The reef is like a much smaller version of st cats and shallower. The reef forms like a mound only going as deep as 14m max, and after 14m it seems like it’s only sand after this although I haven’t explored deeper yet. The reef boulders are covered in feather stars with lots of marine life hiding amongst the rock

Air & Nitrox:  Wreckspeditions  Aquatron  Splashsports

Site Hazards:   None.

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: Vodafone


Other comments: This is a good training site and site for a shallow second dive or like me a solo photographer.

Pub: The Creggans Inn


Version: 1

Thanks To:

Links: None

Created by: Peter Gunn

Date: 13/10/20

Surface Photos: Peter Gunn

Underwater Photos: Peter Gunn


Underwater video:

Dive sitemap: 

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