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Alternative Names: Ferrybridge Underwater Trail.

Type of Dive: Scenic dive under and around the bridge following an underwater trail with plenty of marine life.

Suggested experience: Not for a novice.

Travel directions: Google map

Parking directions: At the dive centre.

Distance from Weymouth: 10 mins  2.6 Miles

Lat & Long:  N50.582816  W-2.471527 Postcode DT4 9JZ  Google map

Tides: Tide tables HW or LW Portland plus 45 minutes

Depth: 7m

Site entry/exit: From the hard standing in the car park of Fathom and Blues – please ask permission

Ferrybridge entry/exit

Underwater directions: This area is great for seeing Seahorses, anemones, nuddies, crabs etc. A very scenic dive under the bridge and around the slopes in the entrance to the harbour.

Air & Nitrox: Fathom and blues  Scimitar diving

Site Hazards: An SMB is required at all times. Boat traffic is regular and heavy. Beware of tides. Up to 7 knots through the channel. BE CAREFUL

Nearest Public phone: 300 m on the left as you go towards Weymouth.

Mobile Network service: Most networks work here.

Accommodation: The Aqua or Weymouth tourist information, 01305 785747. 

Other comments: Use an SMB in case there's any boat traffic. Because of the large tidal movement and the shallow water this area has plenty of plant and sea life. You can also dive the Royal Adelaide on the other side of the bridge.


Cafe: Quiddles Cafe 

Revision: 1

Thanks To: Fathom and blues and Colin Garrett

Links: Link

Created by: Dale at Fathom and Blues

Date: 20/1/11

Surface Photos:

Underwater Photos: By Colin Garrett   Utube  Utube   


Dive Map: Not required,

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.
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