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Fishermans carpark

Alternative Names: None 

Type of Dive: Fishermans carpark on Loch Long is a steep slope shore dive with shingle and small boulders.

Suggested Experience: Sport Diver

Travel directions: From A82 on Loch Lomond side, take the A817 for Garelochhead, through Glen Fruin.  Turn right at roundabout onto the A814 and continue north past Finnart oil terminal just past the MOD pier 150 meters. Google

Distance from Glasgow: 42 Miles 1hr 6 mins   Edinburgh:  93 miles  2 hrs

Parking directions: Park opposite the open area, space for 1 car (open area over the crash barrier used to be fisherman's car park) Google 

Lat & Long:  56.132805, -4.816799 No Postcode  Google

Depth: 30m+

Tides: Tide tables  

Site entry/exit:   Enter the water down the left side of the old car park facing the water and exit the same place.

Underwater directions: Head out and down to your chosen depth turn right.

Air & Nitrox:  Aquatron   Splashsports

Site Hazards: Parking safely.                

Nearest Public phone:   Finnart oil terminal

Mobile Network service: Orange 

Pub: The Village Inn  

Cafe:  Three Villages Cafe,   Arrochar Tea Room  


Created by: John Nicolson  

Date: 12/8/06 

Thanks To:                             

Other comments: Do not dive to the left (facing the water) as the military police will stop you, this is a military pier so stay well away. You can also dive near here at Finnart  or  29 Steps  if the car parking spaces are full.

Surface Photos: Contact me

Underwater photos: By John Nicolson

fishermans carpark1fishermans carpark2

Divesite map:

Fishermans carpark dive map

Dive reports:  Comment in the box below.