Alternative Names: Girdle Ness
Type of Dive: Girdle Ness Lighthouse can be a very good shore dive in good conditions
Suggested Experience: Experienced sports diver.
Travel directions: From the south on the A90 turn right onto the A956 at the roundabout turn right onto the south esplanade to the end and turn right onto Sinclair road onto Greyhope road to the Lighthouse.
Parking directions: Park at the lighthouse entrance but don't block the entrance.
Lat & Long: 57.140123, -2.047765 Postcode AB11 8QX Google
Tides: Tide tables
Depth: 10-15m
Site entry/exit: Simple walk down the path into the water. (See pictures below)
Underwater directions: Stay close to the entrance and watch for currents.
Air & Nitrox: Core94
Site Hazards: Should be avoided in Easterlies due to the swell.
Nearest Public phone:
Mobile Network service: Most work here.
Accommodation: Always hard around Aberdeen.
Other comments: Don't stray too far from the mouth of the bay.
Pub: None close to here.
Cafe: None close to here.
Version: 1
Thanks To:
Links: None I can find.
Created by: John Nicolson
Date: 28/5/18
Surface Photos: Wreckage of the boiler from the G Koch on the shore here.
Underwater Photos: Contact me Utube
Dive sitemap:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.