Alternative Names: Napier point or Grahams Point
Type of Dive: Shore dive in the north of the Holy Loch
Suggested Experience: Novis upward
Travel directions: Google map Ferry timetable and prices
Parking directions: There is space for 5-6 cars in the small car park just off the road at the point.
Lat & Long: 55.989874, -4.928348 Postcode PA23 8SA Google map
Tides: Tide tables Willyweather There can also be some current around the headland so ideally dive 2hrs either side of HW and LW Greenock.
Depth: 15m
Site entry/exit: At the end of the car park simply walk around the large bush and there will appear a pathway through a broken section of wall and onto a nice soft stony shore. Regardless of where you surface on this dive, you will find your exit easy too.
Underwater directions: Head in a South-West direction to get depth. There is reportedly the wreckage of MV Fernlea somewhere close to the shore in 8-10m, though we haven't searched for this yet. The seabed is gravel till around 5m and turns to a muddy bank which has an abundance of life. It is evident that some current runs around the headland based on the size of filter feeder that have grown here. Prawns, Lobster, Gurnards, Whelks and small fish were visible on our last and only dive of this site so far. On HW or after, keep the slope on the left as you head east, or if you are diving on LW or after a walk around the east side of the headland to enter and the gentle current will bring you back into the loch towards the original entry point. General good depth is 12-14m and halfway around the point you will come across a load of metal structure ablaze with dead men's fingers and anemones
Air & Nitrox: Wreckspeditions C+C Kdive Aquatron Splashsports
Site Hazards: There is boating activity both leisure and commercial nearby so good shore cover is essential. There can also be some current around the headland so ideally dive 2hrs either side of HW and LW Greenock.
Nearest Public phone: In the Strone Inn
Mobile Network service: Good for all networks here.
Accommodation: Self-catering and Hotels
Other comments:
Pub: Strone Inn
Cafe: Sheilas Diner, 2 miles away on the A815 next to the petrol station, and Blairemore Gallery which is 2 miles further round the A880
Version: 1
Thanks To:
Links: None
Created by: Jason Coles
Date: 27/3/20
Surface Photos: Jason Coles
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive sitemap: By Jason Coles
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.