Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Scenic shore dive
Suggested Experience: Novice
Travel directions: from Donegal: 61 Km 1 Hr 7mins Google
Parking directions: There is a right turn off the road through Malinbeg (downhill towards the ruined tower) about thirty metres past the hostel. There is plenty of parking about a minute down the road.
Lat & Long: N54.66409 W-8.784664 Google
Tides: Tide Tables
Depth: 13m
Site entry/exit: Enter and exit the water at the pier.
Underwater directions: There is a sea stack at the entrance to the south-west which is usually the focal point for the dive. The bay runs north-south making it pretty easy to navigate. To return to the pier swim off the stack towards the nearest Easterly sandy patch, head North following the edge of the sand and after 100m change direction West where you should surface back at the pier wall.
Other comments: A very scenic dive with overhangs around the base of the stack, lots of the usual life you get on the west coast and some unusual, Atlantic triggerfish have been seen here. This is also a good location for a night dive. Two street lamps on the cliff overlooking the quay light up the underwater terrain and act also as navigational marks.
Site Hazards:
Nearest Public phone: Contact me
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: Hostel
Pub: Mary Murrins at Bruckless
Version: 2
Thanks To: DUSAC and Kerri Clarke
Created by: Divindec
Date: 6/1/11
Surface Photos: Contact me
U/Water Photos: Contact me
Dive sitemap:
Dive Report: Gavin Anderson Schools of pollack move through the kelp, while plaice and flounder trying to cover themselves in the sand patches separating the rocky outcrops. On one dive, I had just managed to frame the entire head of a camouflaged greater pipefish between the macro framer of my 28mm lens when an Atlantic triggerfish swam right up to me. It just seemed to get better every time I went in.
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.