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Martins Haven

Alternative Names: None 

Type of Dive: Shore 

Suggested experience: Trainee to experienced diver 

Travel directions: Heading west, follow the M4 all the way to the end. Join the A40 to Haverfordwest and continue on the B4327 Dale Road. Before Dale, turn off and take the road through the village of Marloes. This road leads to Martin's Haven.Google

Parking directions:  There is a National Trust car park at the top of the hill.  As you arrive let the guy at the gate know you're diving and he will allow you down with the car to drop off the heavy bits of kit.

Martins haven car park

Distance from Cardiff: 110 Miles 2 hrs  22 Mins  

Lat & Long: N51.736922,W-5.244802 Postcode SA62 3RB Google

Tides: Tide tables  

Depth: 10-30m

Site entry/exit: The beach can be reached via a concrete track 150m down from the car park. Entry and exit to the water is from a gently sloping stony beach. 

Martins Haven entry/exit

Underwater directions: Best to stick to the edges of the bay which both have walls as the middle is flat and sandy. The west of the bay is deeper to 30m at the exit of the bay and 15m on the east. There tends to be more fish life in the east and you get more bottom time.

Air & Nitrox:  Divein2pembrokeshire  Dive Pembrokeshire    Haven Diving Services

Site Hazards: Danger of strong currents outside the bay and the Skomer ferry operates out of Martin's Haven during the summer months so use an SMB.

Nearest Public phone: None here.

Mobile Network service: To Follow

Accommodation: Haverfordwest tourist informationTel 01437 763110. Foxdale Camp Site

Other comments: There is a no-take policy and are fines for divers found removing certain species here. The viz here can get very bad after storms so it best to check that it's been calm for a week or so and avoid diving here in northerly winds as it blows straight into the bay.  On a rising tide its a very good night dive, particularly when the tourists have all left. There are toilets and a small visitor hut on the short walk from the car park down to the shore. It's best to stay away from the boat jetty as it gets used all day so an SMB is recommended.

Pub: Lobster Pot Inn in Marloes

Cafe:  None close to here

Created by: Finstrokes.            

Revision:  3

Thanks To:

Links:  Link  Link

Surface Photos:   Rob Spray        

Underwater Photos: By Matt Yates

Spider crabSpider crab

Dive Map: None as the area is too small

Dive report: Comment in the box below.

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