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Meanish reef

Alternative Names: Meanish pier 

Type of Dive: Meanish reef is an excellent shore dive on a submerged reef which is covered on top by a huge kelp forest

Suggested experience: Sport Diver

Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the M8 cross the Erskin bridge onto the A82 and turn left at Crianlarich staying on the A82. At Tyndrum bear to the right still on the A82 over Rannoch Moor into Glencoe. Cross the bridge and up to Fort William, take the A82 and A87 to the Kyle of Lochalsh. Cross the bridge to Skye and take the A850 and A863 to Dunvegan. Turn southwest onto the B884 to Meanish Google

Distance from Glasgow: 218 Miles 5 hrs 20 mins  

Parking directions: There is plenty of parking at the end of the road to the pier. (See pic below)


Lat & Long: N57 27.248 W6 44.706 Postcode IV55 8WR Google

Tides: Tide Tables 

Site entry/exit: At low tide enter at the slip or high tide off the rock and exit on the stony beach.

Meanish reef entryMeanish reef jump entry

Underwater directions: Jump in off the pier and swim to the reef (see dive map) head out on 350 - 360 Deg    From the shore to the reef or from the pier follow the cliff round to the point and head out on 345 - 355 Deg.

Air & Nitrox: Dive & sea the Hebrides

Site Hazards: Swell caused by wind from the north and Offshore SW wind if you need to surface swim for any reason.

Nearest Public phone: The Stein Inn  

Mobile Network service: None

Accommodation: Dive & sea the Hebrides or Kinloch Campsite B+B

Other comments: This is probably the best shore dive on the Isle of Skye.

Pub: The Stein Inn   (very good food)  

Cafe: None

Created By: John Nicolson

Links:  Dive and sea the Hebrides

Revision: 4  

Surface Photos: By John Nicolson

Underwater Photos: By Dive tramp

Cuckoo wrasseLumpsucker

Dive Map:

Meanish reef dive map

Dive Report: Dive tramp 20/7/08 A long swim out from the (north) cobble beach to the left of the Harbour "wall", on a bearing that can be between 340 degrees and Due North, never to be less than 340 or you'll miss the reef and just hit flat, featureless sand for miles. (Turn right to 090 degrees and swim for two or three minutes if you don't find the reef after your 8-10 minute swim out over the free-flowing thick kelp), then if you still don't find it, start your return to shore on your first bearing's reciprocal, and you should find the reef. If you get it right, then after a long swim out you will suddenly drop down to 10-12 metres over the reef wall and down on to lovely coarse sand/broken shells. Swim to the right and choose your level,

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