Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Shore dive around a rocky headland and around the island, with beautiful walls and gullies.
Suggested Experience: Sport Diver (due to navigation).
Travel directions: 5hr 40min From Glasgow head up to Fort William and continue on the A82 through Spean bridge to Invergarry onto the A87 to the A890 Continue on A890. to the A832 to B8057 to your destination.
Parking directions: Car park for memorial cove on private land but access to the public.
Lat & Long: 57.865958, -5.686028 Google map Post code IV22 2LT
Tides: Tide tables
Depth: 20 m
Site entry/exit: Rock slab entrance into kelpy pool, exit same place or onto boulders. Note we tried this site a few times in a very calm weather week but deemed it unsafe to enter until the last day. Need flat water and S or E wind for safe access due to how exposed the site is.
Underwater directions: swim out NE over kelp 3m depth to a shelf, descend and follow the wall on the left running NW starting at about 6m to 20m. The terrain becomes rocky with sand to the right sloping down to about 22m off in the distance. Scorpionfish spotted here. Following the island around until an NW heading. At about 35 min run time ascend up the boulders going W towards the gap between the islands heading SW. (depth here 17m ascending to 6m). Through the gap is lots of boulders to poke around in, Lions Mane Jellyfish here. When the SW heading is blocked head E to SE over rocks at 12m back to the wall onto the sand and go S back to the entry/exit points.
Air & Nitrox: Atlantic Diving Services, Ullapool
Site Hazards: Few abandoned pots with lines caught next to the island. Turn W early enough to prevent passing the island. Gas management due to the length of dive- we consumed approx 3000l each.
Nearest Public phone: Farmhouse at the start of the private road.
Mobile Network service:
Other comments:
Version: 1
Thanks To:
Created by: Alex Gillan
Date: 30/4/22
Surface Photos: Alex Gillan
Underwater Photos: Alex Gillan
Underwater video:
Dive sitemap:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.