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Mingary pier

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Mingary pier is an easy shore dive under and around the pier legs.

Suggested experience: Any

Travel directions: From the Corran Ferry follow the A861 until you get to Salen then pick up the B8007. Follow this twisty road along
the lochside and round Benn nan Losgann until you reach Kilchoan. Drive through the village. Google

Parking directions: Either in the ferry car park or just above the slip next to the fence.

Mingary pier car parking

Distance from Glasgow: 143 Miles 4 Hrs 25 Mins

Lat & Long: 56.688583, -6.093667  Postcode  PA36 4LH  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 18m

Site entry/exit: Time this dive so that you are not on or near the slip when the ferry is arriving or departing.Fortunately
the ferry is not too frequent allowing a reasonable window for a dive. Probably easier to enter and exit the site during high tide
as there is a considerable amount of kelp over the rocks for some distance at the bottom of the slip. Also, the depth under the
pier will be better.

Underwater directions: As soon as the ferry departs enter the water swim over the kelp where iridescent rock cook swim about in small
shoals and swim down to the pier legs. There are loads of things growing on and under the pier legs here. Spiny and common
sea stars, huge prawns hiding in cracks, cup corals and dahlia anemones. Swim down the sandy sloping seabed to about 10m
and then turn right to find a rocky reef. Although this does have some kelp growing on it this is not very thick. Snakelocks
anemones, stalked jellyfish and decorator crabs live on the kelp here and a few dead men's fingers, while urchins are scattered
about and the odd lobster can be seen quickly reversing into its hiding place as you arrive

Air & Nitrox: Lochaline Dive Centre

Site Hazards: There can be a considerable amount of surge on the reef around the corner from the pier. Be wary of currents as
this dive is nearer to the mouth of the loch which reputedly has some very swift currents

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: As you leave the Lochside at Ardslignish and follow the very scenic road round Benn nan Losgann there are many
beautiful spots for wild camping B+B Bunkhouse

Other comments: There are some public toilets here.

Pub: None close to here

Cafe: None close to here so take everything you need.

Created by: Jane Wilkinson

Date: Dec 2010

Revision: 1

Thanks To:

Links: None

Surface Photos: By Jane Wilkinson

Mingary pier slipMingary castle

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive Report:  Comment in the box below.