Alternative Names: West Breakwater, Newhaven harbour wall,
Type of Dive: Newhaven West Breakwater is a shore dive along 705 meters of boulders at the base of the Breakwater and on the chalk reefs.
Suggested Experience: Novice with an Instructor.
Travel directions: Newhaven is located between Brighton and Eastbourne on the A259 Coast Road, or by following the main A27 & heading along the A26. Once in Newhaven follow the signs into Newhaven Town Centre, from South Way turn left into South Road (police station on the corner) which leads into Fort Road, this leads to the car park for the sandy beach From London take the M25, M23, A23 the A26 into Newhaven then follow the direction above
Parking directions: Park in the large car park at the top of the breakwater. Open 8am-5pm Pay and display and free at night.
Lat & Long: 50.779442, 0.052916 Postcode BN9 9HD Google
Tides: Tide tables Diving the breakwater is good at any time although there is a strong current parallel with the shore.when the tide turns.
Depth: Up to 15m
Site entry/exit: Its a long walk (100m) down to the stony beach into the water beside the breakwater. The blocks at the bottom of the wall are good to sit on and put on your fins.
Underwater directions: In the shallows it is shingle this leads onto areas of shallow chalk gullies then following the wall takes you to concrete boulders that protect the wall. You will probably see shoals of whiting and pouting, also flounders, wrasse and pollack. In and around the rocks crabs and lobster.
Air & Nitrox: Brighton dive centre Newhaven Scuba Centre
Site Hazards: Entry/exit when there is a swell
Nearest Public phone: Newhaven
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: Newhaven
Other comments: The viz here drops to near zero if there have been long periods of south-westerly winds.
Pub: The Hope Inn
Cafe: The fort tearoom
Version: 1
Thanks To:
Links: Link
Created by: Finstrokes
Date: 17/9/18
Surface Photos:
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive sitemap: A dive map is not needed here.
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.