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Alternative Names: Lifeboat Slip, Little Fistral, Spy Cove, The Zeds, The Gazzle

Type of Dive: Newquay is a great place to shore dive with lots of places to dive in one place. 

Suggested experience: Open Water

Travel directions: Travel through Newquay towards Fistral Beach, when on the headland road turn right half way along the road and drive down to the car park. Google

Parking directions: Park in the Pay and Display car park close to your chosen entry point.

Newquay car park

Distance from Exeter: 84 Miles 1hr 40 Mins

Lat & Long: N50.423589 W-5.096632  Postcode TR7 1HE  Google

Tides: Tide tables best at high tide.

Site entry/exit: There are 4 different entry points, all best at high tide. The first is Spy/Seal Cove just behind the boulders on the right-hand side, before the car park. The next is the old lifeboat slip itself. The next is to the right of the toilets, there's a slope that is cut into the rocks in a Z shape. The other is on the other side at Little Fistral.

Underwater directions: There are 4 different dives. From Seal Cove go right for a small cave, go left for a small gully and sand/reef. From the slip right to the gully, the left is a sand/reef. from the Z's right or left for sand/reef. From Little Fistral, if there are no waves out to the right along the reef.

Air & Nitrox:  Atlantic scuba

Site Hazards: If it's anywhere near spring tides do not venture close to the end of the headland, currents can be strong there.

Nearest Public phone:  The Headland Hotel

Mobile Network service: All work

Accommodation: To Follow

Other comments:  Newquay can get busy in the summer months.

Pub: Beach Bar on Fistral beach or the Red Lion next to the Harbour

Cafe: None

Thanks To:

Links: None so far

Created by: Mark Milburn

Revision: 2

Surface Photos:  By Mark Milburn  

U/Water Photos:  By Mark Milburn

Newquay underwaterNewquay underwaterNewquay underwater

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