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Old cemetery 2

Alternative Names:  None

Type of Dive: Old cemetery 2 is a gentle shore dive and wall dive.

Suggested experience: Sport Diver 

Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the M8 cross the Erskin bridge onto the A82 and turn left at Crianlarich staying on the A82. At Tyndrum bear to the right still on the A82 over Rannoch Moor into Glencoe. Turn right after crossing the Ballachulish bridge onto the B863 and past the Loch Leven Hotel and the old cemetery with a loop in the road across from it and there is a layby on the left.  Google

Parking directions: The Lay By across the road has room for 10 cars.

Old cemetery 2 parking

From Glasgow: 99 miles – about 2 hours 11 Min's  

Lat & Long:  56.7022000, -5.0692300 Postcode PH33 6SA  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Site entry/exit: Very easy access between the two rocks. Top arrow shows the dive site.

Old cemetery 2 entry/exit

Underwater directions: Enter the water and head down to 6m and turn right and head along until you come to the wall. Spend most of your bottom time here exploring.

Air & Nitrox: Loch aline dive centre Puffin   

Site Hazards: Cold and visibility if there are a lot of divers.

Nearest Public phone: Loch Leven Hotel. 

Mobile Network service: O2 works fine 

Accommodation:  Red Squirrel  Caolasnacon campsite

Other comments: This dive site is in a very quiet area and would be good for Barbi and campfire.

Old cemetery 2  

Pub: In Glencoe village 

Cafe: Loch Leven Seafood Cafe

Created By: John Nicolson 


Thanks To:  Rob for showing me this site.

Links: None 

Surface Photos: John Nicolson

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive Report:  Yogi May 09  Did cemetery 2 with Robfromfort yesterday. Nice wall but the vis was poor due to a plankton bloom and there was fine silt covering everything and very little life. Saw some Phosphorescent Seapens in the silt below the wall but apart from small white anemones, nothing on the wall itself.

Dive Report:  Comment in the box below.