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Platcock rocks

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Shore dive on the point of North Berwick.

Suggested experience: Novice upwards

Distance from Edinburgh: 29 miles 47 mins Glasgow: 73 miles 1hr 30 mins

Parking directions:  Drive round to the old pier and if you are lucky you can get a space here if not drop off the kit and park on Melbourn road Google

Lat & Long: N56.062546 W-2.717378 Postcode EH39 4SS  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 6m

Site entry/exit: Enter the water at the end of the path to the point and exit in the same place or up the steps at the back of the pier.

Platcock rocks exit

Underwater directions: You can explore around the point and head south to the pier or explore around the point heading east into the gully and back.

Air & Nitrox: Edinburgh dive centre  

Site Hazards: Surge and waves from the northeast.

Nearest Public phone: 

Mobile Network service: Most networks work well here.

Accommodation: Seaholm B+B

Other comments: It's best to dive here when there have been two weeks of low winds. Otters are often spotted here so maybe someone could get an u/w shot.

Pub: The Auld Hoose

Cafe: Number 12

Created By: Finstrokes

Date: 17/1/11

Revision: 1

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Links: None I can find.

Surface Photos: Contact me

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive Map: Contact me

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