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Porth Dafarch

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Shore dive (high tide best)

Suggested experience: Novice

Travel directions: A55 over the Meni bridge onto Anglesey, At junction 2, take the A5153 exit to Penrhos/A5 Turn left at A5153 at the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Kingsland Rd/B4545 then turn right onto Porth Daffarch Road and follow to the end at Porth Daffarch. Google

Parking directions: Park at the side of the road down to the bay.or the parking area on the hill.

Port Dafarch parking

Lat & Long: N53.287025 W-4.652131 Postcode LL65 2LS  Google

Tides:  Best dived at the high slack water.

Depth: 8m at high tide

Site entry/exit: It's an easy stroll down the beach into the water.

Port Dafarch entry/exitPorth Dafarch6

Underwater directions: Head out from the bay east or west staying close to the edge of the bay to avoid any possible boat traffic and look in all the gullies.

Site Hazards: Occasional boat traffic

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Accommodation:   Porthdafarch South Caravan Park  

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Other comments: Best done after a long spell of low winds as is exposed to the prevailing wind. In June you get plankton blooms like most dives around here. There are lots of gully's and cracks to explore and as it's not deep so you get good bottom times. It's also advisable to use an SMB in the bay as boats do use the bay. There are toilets 25m from the beach

Ribs can be launched from the shore here and there is a wreck called Missouri about 500m from the shore also a treasure galleon close to the bay. Treasure Gold coins


Cafe: Sea shanty cafe.

Created by: Martin Vincent

Air & Nitrox:  Anglesey divers   Vivian

Date: 24/4/11

Revision: 2

Thanks To:

Links: Utube

Surface Photos: By Jason Ward

Porth Dafarch4 

Underwater Photos:  Utube   By Jason Ward

  Porth Dafarch4

Dive Map: Not Required

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