Alternative Names: Llaneilian Bay
Type of Dive: Shallow shore dive in a protected bay.
Suggested experience: Novice
Travel directions: To follow.
Parking directions: Drive down to the slip, drop off your gear then drive to the car park up the road or at the roundabout leaving room for cars to pass. Google
Lat & Long: 53.411756, -4.293042 Postcode LL68 9LT Google
Tides: Tide tables Tides are not a problem here as long as you stay in the bay
Depth: 9m max at high tide.
Site entry/exit: Its an easy stroll down the beach into the water.
Underwater directions: It's a small dive site with a flat sandy middle covered in worm casts and small boulders and seaweed around the edges.
Air & Nitrox: Anglesey divers Vivian
Nearest Public phone: None close to here.
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: Kingsbridge Camping Site Bunkhouse Camping
Other comments: Don't get to close to the lighthouse where the tide can start to increase. Its popular with jet skis here so use an SMB and you can launch a boat from the slipway if you have a key from the council.
Pub: Restaurants Pubs & Inns
Cafe: None close to here.
Created by: Martin Vincent
Date: 24/4/11
Revision: 2
Thanks To:
Surface Photos: Martin Vincent.
Underwater Photos: By Martin Vincent. Utube
Dive Map: Not Required
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.