Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Shore dive in a natural harbour, with a big rock in the centre.
Suggested experience: Novice upwards
Travel directions: From Thurso head west on the A836 turn right to Portskerra Google
Parking directions: At the bottom of the single track road ( room for four cars ) Google
Distance from Wick: 39 Miles 1 Hour Inverness 102 Miles 2 Hrs 26 Min's
Lat & Long: N58.571324 W3.930874 Postcode KW14 7YN Google
Tides: Tide Tables
Depth: 10m
Site entry/exit: Get kitted up at the small building and walk down the slipway.
Underwater directions: Keeping the point on your right shoulder you come to find an underwater archway just inside the point and head through some gullies to the outer reef. The less experienced can stay on the inside and potter around in a number of pools with plenty of crannies to shelter all manner of fish, crabs and lobsters, plus the usual encrusting growth. The more adventurous or energetic head to the outside of the reef, where it is deeper and there are caves and large boulders, and less kelp due to the north exposure.
Air & Nitrox: Caithness diving club Make a donation to the upkeep of the compressor, They have nitrox as well Divenotheast
Site Hazards: Tides outside the harbour.
Nearest Public phone: To Follow
Mobile Network service: To Follow
Accommodation: Four Winds The Mill House and Camping
Other comments:
Pub: Helladale Inn
Cafe: None
Created By: Maurice Edmunds
Date: 31/12/10
Revision: 2
Thanks To: Caithness diving club
Links: Link
Surface Photos: By Maurice Edmunds
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive Map:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.