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Portsoy pool

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Portsoy pool is a shallow shore dive in a sheltered bay and gullies near the old swimming pool.

Suggested experience: Novice upwards

Travel directions: Google

From Aberdeen: 52 Miles 1 hr 30 mins

Parking directions: Park in the car park at the bottom of the single track road.

Portsoy pool parking

Lat & Long: N57.686201 W-2.698179 Postcode AB45 2PQ  Google


Tides: Tide tables

Site entry/exit: Walk down from the car to the shingle beach with the pool to your left into the water and exit in the same place. 

Portsoy pool entry/exit

Underwater directions:  Keeping the pool on your left head out and round the outside of the pool and explore around the rocks and gullies or swim into the bay and around the point and exit at the car park.

Air & Nitrox:  Core94   Divenortheast 

Site Hazards: 

Nearest Public phone: None close to here.

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation:  Contact me

Other comments: A popular training site for divers

Pub:  The Station Hotel    The Boyne Hotel

Cafe:  Beggars belief

Accommodation: Sandend Caravan Park   Portsoy links Caravan Park

Created by: Finstrokes

Revision: 1

Links:  Link

Surface Photos: to follow

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive Map: Canmore

Postsoy pool dive map

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.