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Runswick bay

Alternative Names: None 

Type of Dive: Runswick Bay is a is a lovely gentle shore dive with lots of life in a large open bay 

Suggested experience: Novice and up.

Distance from Leeds: 82 Miles 1Hr 52 Mins Google The road down to the village is a bit scary, as you approach the drop you can’t see the road, it appears you are about to drop off the cliff edge. It is worth noting if the car is overloaded you will have fun getting back up the road.

Parking directions: There is a pay and display car park on your right 100m from the beach. Drive down to the top of the slip and dump the heavy dive kit and then park.

Runswick bay car park

Lat & Long: N54.533198 W-0.747542 Postcode TS13 5HT  Google

Tides:  Tide tables 5 Mins before Whitby Weather and tides   Currents are not a problem if you stay in the bay.

Depth: Up to 20m

Site entry/exit: Walk down the smooth concrete slip with the rocks on your right. It's best dived at high tide for ease of entry and exit. check the viz if possible before you set off, and definitely before you kit up and get in because even when the viz is reasonable elsewhere the silt can kind of build up in the corner of Runswick Bay and stay murky for a while.

Runswick bay entry/exit

Underwater directions: It's a big site to dive and the wrecks are not near the entry point so its best to head out to your chosen depth and explore.

Air & Nitrox: Denny diving  Proscuba

Site Hazards: Be aware of possible boat traffic because there's the RNLI launch slip and a sailing club in the bay so an SMB is recommended.

Nearest Public phone: Royal Hotel.

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Camping     Runswick bay Cottages

Other comments: Runswick Bay is sheltered from the northern winds by Lingrow Knowle, a crag towering over the bay.  it's lovely after a long settled period. Kettleness is also amazing for a snorkel if you don't mind the walk (or swim/kayak etc) around there, it's well worth it - really different wildlife as it's very exposed. The wreckage of the SS Vanland in 8m (54.535703, -0.718673) Utube is in Runswick Bay just inside Kettleness point and is spread over a large area Also the gold wreck the Ellida. There are also public toilets.

Pub: Runswick Bay Hotel

Cafe: There is a cafe just in front of the public toilets.

Created By: Alison Mawson. 

Date: 7/5/11

Revision: 1

Thanks To: AM Divers and Paula Lightfoot for the extra Info.

Links:  Seasearch

Surface Photos: Alison Mawson and Paula Lightfoot

Runswick bay from the water

Underwater Photos:   By Paula Lightfoot  Utube

LobsterLumpsuckerHyas araneusShanny eggs

Dive Map: Finstrokes

Runswick bay dive map

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