Alternative Names: Craigullie
Type of Dive: Shore dive
Suggested Experience: Suitable for all grades
Travel directions: Come off the A90 or A98 onto the B9031 into Sandhaven and along the shore road until you see the school.
Parking directions: Park in front of the school Google
Lat & Long: 57.698057, -2.065380 Postcode AB43 7EQ Google
Tides: This site is best dived just before high tide as a lower tide makes entry and exit a clamber over rocks Tide tables
Site entry/exit: Walk across the grass and enter the water at the gully, enter exit same place.
Underwater directions: You enter into a large tidal pool which you swim out until you reach the line of rocks seen to the left and centre of the picture. Here as you can see is a small rock and the larger rocks in the background form a channel it becomes deeper here this is the best place to start your dive from here you swim out with the face on your right explore the site to the north and west. There are quite a few large rocks and nice gullies to explore this site is quite shallow 11 - 13m but with plenty of sea life.
Air & Nitrox: Divenortheast Core94
Site Hazards: Swell
Nearest Public phone: Info to follow.
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Pub: The Arc Pittendrum Bar
Cafe: None close to here
Revision: 2
Created by: Finstrokes
Date: 7/7/07
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