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SS Grip

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Shore wreck dive on a British steamship carrying a cargo of salt, so don't expect to see any cargo.

Suggested experience: Novice upwards

Distance from Helston: 6 miles 20 Mins Head south on the A3083 and turn right at HMS Seahawk onto the single track road and follow to the beach at the end of the road. Google Plymouth: 77 miles 2Hrs

Parking directions: On the road to the beach there is a car park Google Just past the beach cafe there is space for two cars Google

Lat & Long: 50.038489, -5.271912  Postcode TR12 7QE  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 10m

Site entry/exit: Four-wheel-drive is needed to drop off the dive kit then its an easy entry/exit on the beach. Head straight out 10m before the rocks on the left of the beach.

SS Grip entry/exit

Underwater directions: Its a small steel wreck but well preserved as it probably has been covered in sand for a lot of the time since it sank here.

Air & Nitrox: Kennack diving  Porthkerris Divers

Site Hazards:

Nearest Public phone: Mullion

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation: Terance farm cottages

Other comments: Ask locally if the wreck is visible. It gets covered in sand, totally covered at times. Don't forget to use the comments at the bottom of the page to let other Divers know what its like to dive here.

Pub: Halzephron inn Mullion Cove Hotel The old Inn

Cafe: There is a beach cafe just up from the beach. Google  Poldhu Beach Cafe

Created By: James Young

Date: 25/6/11

Revision: 2

Thanks To:


Surface Photos:   Utube    Contact me

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive Map: 

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.