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St Marys Island

Alternative Names: Janet Clark

Type of Dive:  Rocks & gully's Wreckage.

Suggested experience:  Trainee, A 10 Litre cylinder is enough here as its very shallow and you have a long walk from the car to the water.

Travel directions:  Take the A19 toward Morpeth/A1, A186 heading to Earsdon/Whitley Bay, Blyth, St. Mary's Island 

Parking directions:  At the causeway on the right. ( Pay and display ) See Google drive across the causeway, drop off all your gear & then return your car to the car park

Distance from Newcastle: 10 miles 30 mins

Lat & Long:  55.072397, -1.448704  Postcode NE26 4RS Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth:  10m max

Site entry/exit:   From the car, you walk across a causeway which is usually only slightly covered at HW and you head up the steps between the buildings and down onto the rocks. The gully on the east and the boat slip on the west is the easiest entry/exit.

St Marys IslandSt Marys Island entry/exit

Underwater directions: The north of the Island is best for diving but it is easy to get lost in all the gullies here. The is plenty to see and because of the shallow depth, you will get long dives. There is a wreck called The Gothenburg City which lies to the north but you will only see bits of rusted metal, nothing recognisable as a wreck can be found. The Janet Clark which lies to the northeast of the island in 9m with the bows which are smashed to the island and the prop and boiler a little further out. some ribs are still standing up from the seabed.

Air & Nitrox:  Deep blue

Site Hazards:  Low viz after bad weather. The causeway has taken lives when people try to cross it at High tide and get swept off or just walk off.

Nearest Public phone:

Mobile Network service: Most networks work here. 


Other comments: St. Mary's Island is a voluntary marine reserve so take only Photos. For best diving conditions you need about five days of low south-west winds. There are a few shipwrecks here including the Lovely Nelly, Gothenburg City, California, Janet Clark and the Confidence.

Pub: The Delval Arms

Cafe: None close to here?

Created By: Finstrokes

Date:  21/11/10

Revision:  2

Thanks To:  


Surface Photos:     

Underwater Photos:  Utube   Contact me

Dive Map: By John Nicolson

St Mary's Island dive map

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.