Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Staxigoe is a scenic dive in a sheltered harbour and bay.
Suggested experience: Novice upwards.
Travel directions Wick: Follow the A99 north from the town centre and take the road signposted to Staxigoe. As you come into the village of Staxigoe there is a T-junction. Turn right here and follow the road round to the harbour. Google Inverness: Google
Parking directions: On the gravel at the side of the single track down to the Harbour.
Distance from Wick: 2.2 Miles 10 Min's Inverness 105 Miles 2Hrs 28 Min's
Lat & Long: N58.456636 W-3.054875 Postcode KW1 4QY Google
Tides: Tide tables
Depth: Sloping shore dive to max of around 10m
Site entry/exit: Walk in from pebble beach or a jump entry at high tide or off the slip.
Underwater directions: Shallow bay with gullies follow rock wall out along the west face, cross-bay and return via bowl to the east face.
Air & Nitrox fills: Caithness diving club Make a donation to the upkeep of the compressor, They have nitrox as well Divenotheast
Site Hazards: Occasional boats, some tide beyond the mouth of the bay. Slip very slippery at lower states of the tide, easier to come up the beach.
Nearest Public phone: None close to here.
Mobile Network service: None down in the bay, normal coverage up in the village.
Accommodation: Bank Guesthouse
Other comments: This is a scenic dive which features a swim through gully, bowl and a small cave. It is an excellent site to practice compass work and navigation skills. Usually well-populated with nudibranch during summer months. Good launch site for all dive sites around Wick.Harbour Master Telephone no: 01431 821692.
Pub: Staxigoe Village
Cafe: None but there is a good area with seats if you take your own stuff.
Created By: Hugh Mackay
Date: 10/1/11
Revision: 1
Thanks To: Caithness diving club
Surface Photos: By Nathan Jeffery
Underwater Photos: By Nathan Jeffery
Dive Map:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.