Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Talisker Distillery is a scenic shore dive beside the Distillery.
Suggested experience: Sport diver – not really a novice dive due to the amount of silt and mud that can be disturbed.
Travel directions: Over the Skye Bridge from Kyle of Lochalsh onto A87. Take the A863 signposted for Carbost and Talisker. Continue following the signs onto B8009 until reaching the distillery. On the loch side of the road is a small parking area with a drivable track heading to an old pier in the distance. A hundred metres down the track is an old slip. 33 miles 50 mins Google
Parking directions: The track is little used and plenty wide enough to park near the top of the small slip – obviously not blocking the slip.
Distance from Glasgow: 195 miles
Lat & Long: 57° 18? 9.38? N, 6° 21? 14.46? W 57.302607, -6.354016 Postcode IV47 8SR Google map
Site entry/exit: Down the slip. I exited up the same slip but there are exit areas of shell and weed shoreline if heading north west. No easy exits if heading south-east.
Underwater directions: Head out on a northeasterly bearing and then aim either north-west or south-east or go round in a circle entirely your choice. Very much a silty mud slope with odd patches of reef and rock. Max depth I found was 15m. Viz 8-10m.
Air & Nitrox: Dive and Sea the Hebrides
Site Hazards: 2 small boats moored in the area and the far pier heavily used by fisherman
Nearest Public phone: The Old Inn
Mobile Network service: 3 mobile - reasonable
Accommodation: Dive and Sea the Hebrides or Kinloch Campsite
Pub: The old Inn in the Distillery
Created by: Jo Rawley
Revision: 3
Date: 14/11/10
Thanks To:
Other comments: All 3 types of Sea pen, Burrowing anemones, Sea lemons, Lobster, Mermaids purses, Squat Lobster, Conger, Seals and variety of crabs.
Surface Photos: Jo Rawley
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive Map: Not Required
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.