User Rating: 3 / 5

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Alternative Names: St Catherines three 

Type of Dive: The bottle dive is a bolder slope on the south of Loch Fyne.

Suggested experience: Novice

Travel directions: Leaving Glasgow on the A82 turn left at Tarbet onto the A83, through Arrochar and over the rest and be thankful,  turn left onto the A815, from this junction its xx miles to the junction shown in the google picture and 34.5 miles from Little Chef Dunbarton. Follow this road for 350m and park just off the road.  Google

Parking directions: Room for six cars, remember to leave access for the people who live at the end of the road and other divers to leave.

Car parking   

Lat & Long: N56.208244   W-5.060363  Postcode PA25 8BA  Google

Tides:  Tide tables

Site entry/exit:  From the road head down the path to the sea with the bushes on your left.

Site entry/exit

Underwater directions: Head out towards the two orange buoys the reef starts at 12m and ends at 29m. The seabed gets silty and slowly gets deeper to 53m and it flattens out with plenty of langoustine and flatfish. 

Air & Nitrox:  Aquatron  Splashsports  

Site Hazards:   

Nearest Public phone:  Creggans Inn  

Mobile Network service:   Contact me

B+B:  Creggans Inn  

Other comments: A local resident has made the entry/exit point harder to reach the shore but its still possible. 

Pub:  Creggans Inn 

Cafe:  None near here.


Thanks To:

Links: None I can find

Created by: John Nicolson 

Date:  29/5/14

Surface Photos: By John Nicolson

Underwater Photos: Contact me 

Dive Map: Contact me

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.