Alternative Names: None
Type of Dive: Shore Dive
Suggested experience: Novice also a popular snorkelling site.
Travel directions: To get there, drive from Bridlington Head towards Flamborough on the B1255. Keep on this road through Flamborough village towards Thornwick Bay. Google
Parking directions: Park at the top of the cliffs you pay £1 to park all day in the booth on the access road. This road is not in good condition and you have to go slowly.
Distance from Leeds: 83 Miles 2 hrs
Lat & Long: N54.131806,W-0.113661 YO15 1BD
Tides: Tide tables best dived at high water, about 30 minutes after Whitby
Depth: 8m
Site entry/exit: When you get kitted up, head down a lot of steps onto the beach into the cove, There are now some metal steps at the bottom to make it easier to get onto the beach, walk to the right-hand side and walk into a small cove. this is the best and the most accessible way to get into the water.. You can walk or swim depending on the tide straight back onto the beach Utube
Underwater directions: Keep to the right (facing the sea) and head out towards the point but turn back before reaching there.
Air & Nitrox: Proscuba Denny diving
Site Hazards: The long walk down to the beach and be aware of a strong current which runs around the point and the long climb up the stairs back to the car.
Nearest Public phone: In the cafe above the bay.
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: Caravan park
Other comments: Best to dive here when it hasn't rained for a few days beforehand or there haven't been any heavy winds because the swell picks up.
Pub: North star hotel
Cafe: At the car park above the bay.
Created By: Finstrokes
Date: 7/5/11
Revision: 1
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Links: Link
Surface Photos:
Underwater Photos: Utube Contact me
Dive map:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.