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Tod head lighthouse

Alternative Names: Tod Head

Type of Dive: Tod head lighthouse is a very good shore dive in good conditions

Suggested Experience:  Experienced shore diver.

Travel directions: Todhead Lighthouse is located just South of Stonehaven and North of Montrose on the coastal road route of the A92. It is clearly signposted and easily seen from the main road. A small bumpy road takes you down to Todhead Lighthouse Google

Parking directions: Park near the lighthouse 

Lat & Long: N56.884852    W-2.215472  Google

Depth: Max depth around 15 m. 

Tides: Tide tables  Make sure you get the tides right.

Site entry/exit: Take the steps down to the water on the north side of the lighthouse and out towards the rocks beyond the wall on your left. Go past the first opening and enter in the second opening There are quite a few steps so it makes sense to “travel light” if possible.

Tod head lighthouse entry/exitTodhead lighthouse entry/exit

Underwater directions: After entering at the second opening you should drop down to 10 metres onto a wreck and follow the coast in a southerly direction in a narrow gulley to a wee cave and then the arch.After looking at the arch its time to exit. As with most of the sites on the east coast, the area can be quite silty but it is very nice in clear conditions. 

Air & Nitrox: Core94

Site Hazards: Be careful not to stray too far offshore because the current can be strong and will take you to Montrose (it has happened!).  

Nearest Public phone: None close to here

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Other comments: Catterline has a large seal population so you should get the odd sighting here. 

Pub: None near here.

Cafe None so take everything you need

Created by: Alejandro Gallego Grampian divers

Date: 1/1/2009 

Revision:  2

Thanks To:


Surface Photos: By Gavin Barnett

Small Island

Underwater Photos: Contact me

Dive map: Contact me

Dive report: Comment in the box below.