Alternative Names: Wasilewski Outpost
Type of Dive: Shore dive on the north-west coast of Loch Long
Suggested Experience: Sport/AOW
Travel directions: Follow the A83 past Arrochar and Conger Alley Dive Site, and take the turn left into the Ardgartan Visitor Centre. Continue over the Croe Water bridge and turn left towards Ardgartan Hotel. Continue along the single-track road past the hotel, and once you reach the first houses on your left, parking is approximately 150m past these.
Parking directions: Park in the small layby ensuring that you leave enough room for other traffic to use as a passing point. The layby has space for two cars maximum, with further parking possible just along the road if intending on just dropping off gear
Lat & Long: 56.178458, -4.790757 Postcode G83 7AR Google
Tides: Tide tables
Depth: 30m max
Site entry/exit: The approach to the site is fairly steep and challenging. It is recommended that you kit-up at the parking site and descend the slope towards the shore that is 100m away. Once you reach the edge of the shore, head northwards 30m approximately until you reach the entry point resembling the shown image below. Entry into the water is easy from this point.
Underwater directions: Heading straight out from the shore, you will fin through a small kelp field for about 3m. This gives way to a gravel/small stone slope down to approximately 10m, where you then encounter a boulder reef that extends down to about 22m. Within this boulder reef, there are numerous huge boulders that must have fallen as part of a landslip at some point in time. As a result, they have formed some fascinating features; including overhangs and a small tunnel (although, it is not advised to swim through this). At approximately 15m, there is also a torpedo that is sitting vertically in the ground and is now providing a small habitat for life; this can be used as a marker for the exit point. Deeper on from the boulder reef is a sandy silt slope that starts to taper off from 26m. Dotted about this area are numerous Firework Anemones and plenty of Langoustines. Return by zigzagging back up the boulder reef (exploring the huge boulders that are covered in life) until you find the torpedo again. From here, it is straight back up to the exit point.
Air & Nitrox: Aquatron Splashsports
Site Hazards: Challenging approach from the parking site to the shore with areas of bog and slip/trip hazards.
Nearest Public phone: Ardgartan Hotel,
Mobile Network service: Contact me
Accommodation: Ardgartan Hotel, Forest Holidays - Ardgartan Argyll
Other comments: To the knowledge of the author, this is a new site that could benefit from further
exploration in all directions.
Pub: Slanj Bar & restaurant
Cafe: Three Villages Cafe, Arrochar Tea Room
Version: 1
Thanks To:
Links: None
Created by: Malcolm McRobb & Marcin Wasilewski
Date: 5/3/20
Surface Photos: Malcolm McRobb
Underwater Photos: Contact me
Dive sitemap:
Dive Report: Comment in the box below.