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Torpedo dive site

Alternative Names: None

Type of Dive: Shore dive in Loch Long around old WW2 Torpedos.

Suggested Experience: Novice with good buoyancy.

Travel directions: Take the A82 up Loch Lomondside to Tarbet. Take the LH fork onto the A83 and pass through Arrochar driving around the head of Loch Long.

Parking directions: You can park 350m down the road in the Succoth car park. Google

Lat & Long: 56.203232, -4.753938  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 8-16m max in the middle of the Loch.

Site entry/exit: On leaving the car park walk along the shore road and the trees will stop and when they start again just back from the waterfall on the other side of the road, step over the barrier and walk down to the water.

torpedo dive site entry/exit

Underwater directions: As the positions of the Torpedos have not been mapped you will have to explore. 

Air & Nitrox: Aquatron  Splashsports

Site Hazards: Fast cars and Poor viz.

Nearest Public phone: At the Esso petrol station at the head of the Loch.

Mobile Network service: Most work here.

Other comments: The Torpedo Range operated on the loch from 1912 to 1986 and in 1944 approximately 12,565 torpedoes were fired in the Loch, which works out at an average of 48 runs per day. Photo below of the Torpedo testing station by courtesy of  Other dive sites near here are the Torpedo station  Twin piers and Conger alley 

Old torpedo testing station

Pub: The Village Inn

Cafe:  Arrochar tea room

Version: 1

Thanks To: James Lynott and

Links: Link

Created by: John Nicolson

Date: 6/6/18

Surface Photos: By James Lynott 

Underwater Photos: By James Lynott  Utube  Utube 

torpedo standing vertically in the seabedTop of another torpedo standing vertically in the seabedTorpedo on the seabedTorpedo battery

Dive sitemap:  Need a map for here to mark where the Torpedos are.

Dive Report: Comment in the box below.